Our Services

In Person Training

1 on 1 Training

Starting at $140 Per Month

30 minute sessions

Trying to get improve your health, but not sure where to start? Need the accountability and the push to get going? Want a training program tailored to your needs? Look no further. We will assess your strengths and weaknesses in all facets of fitness and performance; and create a program and system designed to improve the areas you need most.

Semi Private Training

Starting at $180 Per Month

45 - 60 minute sessions

Our semi private training takes all the personalization of 1 on 1 training you need, and provides it within a team environment. Community with a personal touch so to speak.

Group Training

Starting at $200 per month.

60 minute sessions

High energy, encouraging and fun team environment. Create your own, or join a group of strangers (soon to be best friends) as you all work towards your goals together. Groups run at set times/days each week.


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You provide us with your goals, what you have access equipment/space wise, and we will provide you a plan to get you there. This is a stand alone option in which we provide you a full program to be completed on your own, and does not include in any in-person training.

Remote Training


Starting at $100 Per Month

A blend of our in person options and our remote. This option is considered an ‘add-on’ to any of our in person training plans, in which you would train in person your designated days per week, and would receive additional programming for days outside of the facility as well.

Sports Performance


Starting at $140 Per Month

We work with athletes of all sports, as well as all levels (youth, high school, collegiate, and professional). All programs are designed to improve speed, power, strength, coordination, mobility, flexibility and mitigate injury risk. We will discuss and perform a needs assessment on each athlete to determine how to best improve each area, and what aspects are limiting them the most in their sport.


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Our team training takes the same same components and concepts of our individual sports performance program and expands it to fit the needs of an entire team. Teams can be broken into smaller groups to fit any scheduling and logistical constraints, however we ask require a minimum of 3 athletes per group in order to honor the team pricing.

Nutrition Coaching

Individual Nutrition Coaching

Starting at $200 Per Month

We will go in depth on your habits, mindset, and emotions surrounding food; as well as educating you on how food effects your body, and arming you with the tools to be successful in the nutrition department.

Monthly Meal Plan

$60 Per Month

We will provide you with a calorie range, macro recommendations, and a variety of meal options to take the guess work out of your nutrition plan.

In-Body Scan

$25 Per Scan

An in depth body analysis that provides data on ideal calorie range, body fat percentage and segmentation, lean body mass, muscle mass and segmentation, as well as hydration level. This information can be very helpful for creating a baseline/starting point, as well as measuring progress in a more in depth way.